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Consult SMITHS DETECTION's IONSCAN 500DT brochure on AeroExpo. Page: 1/2. Detection Method, Ion Mobility Spectrometry;. Supporting Documentation, Smiths Detection-IONSCAN 500DT.pdf|. Application, Emergency Response; Screening; IONSCAN 500DT is a highly sensitive desktop system for the real time detection and identification of trace amounts of explosives and narcotics. Smith Ionscan Manual smiths detection ionscan 500dt manual are a good way to achieve details about operating certainproducts. IONSCAN family of trace detectors,Search in Smiths Detection catalogs and technical brochures on DirectIndustry and IONSCAN 500DT Simultaneous Explosives and Narcotics Trace Detector. Consult Smiths Detection's IONSCAN 500DT Simultaneous Explosives and Narcotics Trace Detector brochure on DirectIndustry. Page: 1/2. IONSCAN 500DT Technical Information. Feature Highlights. • Simultaneous detection of explosives and narcotics. The Smiths IONSCAN 500DT Operator Training Course prepares students to detect traces of explosives and narcotics using Explosive Trace Detection (ETD) Feature Highlights. • Detection and identification in less than 8 seconds • Simultaneously detects and identifies explosives and narcotics
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